UED102, 6th Class, Part 7: Academic Integrity and Performance

         My 6th class of Study Skills UED 102. It’s the second last class for the third last week of interim. I don’t even know what to expect for this class but I really hope that I did well on my video. My team and I have been working really hard of it and we are proud of the final result. We really hope that Miss Syuhada would like it too.
          For this class, we learned about Academic Integrity and Performance. Sounds heavy but I find it really interesting and informative. Under this topic, we will learn about plagiarism and also the way to calculate our CGPA and GPA. How cool is that?

          What is plagiarism? Based on Mr Google, plagiarism is an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without the authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author. In another word, this may be a crime, an academic crime.
          Plagiarism is not new. It has been done for ages now. Especially by the students, they are sometimes not aware of doing it. In another word, they might done it because of their lack of skill in crediting the original author or they might not know that they should be crediting the author when they used his or her work. But usually, they did it intentionally 🌚.
          What are the examples of plagiarism? It may be a very direct word but it has several examples that proves the act of plagiarism. The first one is turning in someone else's work as your own work. By that, it means that you used the original work and produced it as your own, 'original' work. Dirty play 😠
          Next, you copy words or ideas from someone else without giving credit. This is the common example of plagiarism. Therefore, one must give credit when they use the original author's work. On top of that, the failing to put a quotation in quotation mark is also a crime. Quotation mark is important when you write about what the person has said before.
          Moreover, you give the incorrect information about the source of quotation. You might did this by accident but accidents can be prevented if you are careful enough. Thus, always write down the source of your reference. Changing word but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit is also plagiarism. This is also a common act done by the students of any ages.
          Lastly, plagiarism is also copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work whether you give credit or not. In UiTM system, they have a software where they can detect any plagiarism. One will be caught when the software found out that 30% of their assignment is similar to a source in the internet. This proves that this act is not a light crime, but a huge one.
          So, how do we prevent it? Surely, there are some ways to prevent from doing this wrongful act. Firstly, plan your paper. Having a clear plan on when, how and what to incorporate in your assignment is the right way to do your assignment. Besides taking effective notes, you should take advantage of your lecturers by consulting with them on how do they want the assignments to be like.
          Next, when writing your paper, you must make sure you know how to paraphrase. You should make it clear on who said what and what not. You must make sure you write the right thing of what they said and cite the right source of the reference. Before you wrap your work, make sure to evaluate every source you used and include a reference page in your assignment.
          Other ways on how to avoid plagiarism is by using quotation, paraphrasing or by making a summary. You can even visit websites that have citation software where it makes your work a lot easier and quicker too!
          Besides all the huss and fuss on plagiarism, we also learnt about GPA and CGPA. So what does GPA and CGPA stands for? It is a short form for Grade Point Average where it basically means that the marks we got for one semester. While CGPA, well just add Cumulative to the phrase. Different from the marks in high school, GPA even have its own way on how to calculate it. So, how do you calculate it?
          Firstly, we should know about the grades and pointer marks. This is the guideline for it:


          Next, here’s how you calculate your GPA and also your CGPA:

          That's it guys! Thank you for reading!
